The Sisterhood has the following committees that are actively working on behalf of our parish
Prosfora Baking Committee
The responsibility of the committee is to maintain supplies and equipment for and bake over 2000 prosfora per month. Baking sessions are scheduled once a week.
Church Adornment Committee
The responsibility of the committee is to maintain the beauty of our church and decorate it (with flowers) for services and holidays.
Vestment Committee
The responsibility of the committee is to maintain cleanliness and repair of the vestments and order replacements or additions as needed.
Meal Planning Committee
The responsibility of the committee is to plan and help prepare meals on Sundays after each liturgy as well as for various sisterhood events during the year.
Household Committee
The responsibility of the committee is to purchase and maintain inventory of household goods needed for Sisterhood functions such as soaps, paper goods, food staples, etc.
Ministry ( Committee) for the ill and Afflicted
One of the duties of the Sisterhood is to “visit the sick, inquire into the cases of those in need and aid for them, and provide visitation and aid to the imprisoned.” (See “ROCOR Statutes for Sisterhoods in North America,” April 1955) The Sisterhood tasks its committee, “Ministry for the Ill & Afflicted” to accomplish this important undertaking. The Ministry seeks to meet the needs of the sick and imprisoned through special acts of compassion and prayer. This year, with the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Ministry hopes to:
- offer daily prayers for the sick and imprisoned ( “Prayer is a great weapon, a rich treasure, a wealth that is never exhausted, an undisturbed refuge, a cause of tranquility, the root of a multitude of blessings, and their source.” —St. John Chrysostom)
- launch a greeting card campaign to bring cheer to sick parishioners and comfort to prisoners
- assist the clergy in their visits to the infirm
- organize meals on wheels for ailing parishioners as needed
- notify the Benevolence Fund about the special needs of sick parishioners
During the post-Nativity Sviatki and Paschal Bright Week, the Ministry prepares and distributes Christmas treats and Pascha baskets to shut ins and parishioners in nursing homes.
Bazaar Committee
The bazaar committee is a group of parishioners lead by the sisterhood who meet on an adhoc basis to plan and conduct the annual parish bazaar.
If you are interested in working with any of these committees, have any questions or would like to get more involved with other sisterhood activities please email us at protection.sisterhood@gmail.com