By the grace of God, the Nativity Fast in the parish of St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Washington, DC was a prayerful one. The appointed divine services proceeded in wonderful order, and brought us nearer and nearer the great feast.
Nativity Eve saw an abundant snowfall, and the entire church grounds were covered with a bright carpet. Unfortunately, this picturesque carpet hid a thick layer of ice, which made coming to church for the morning service on Nativity Eve difficult for many. All was well by evening, however, and the cathedral was overflowing with worshippers for the Nativity Vigil.
The Vigil for Nativity was led by the former Primate of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), His Eminence, Metropolitan Jonah, co-served by cathedral clergy. However, four of the five priests came out only for the Polyeolos; the remainder of the service was spent receiving the confessions of the penitent and those who wished to commune of Christ’s Holy Mysteries on Nativity.
After Vigil, those who wished to proceeded to the parish hall, where they enjoyed their final lenten meal together, which included the traditional kutia (sweet grain pudding) and uzvar (fruit compote). The meal ended at 11:30 at night.

Two Liturgies were served for Nativity – an early English Liturgy, which was celebrated by His Eminence, Metropolitan Jonah, and a later Slavonic Liturgy, celebrated by parish rector Archpriest Victor Potapov. At the early Liturgy, the faithful communed from three chalices; at the latter, from five. The Nativity Epistle of His Holiness Kyrill, Patriarch of Moscow & All Russia, was read aloud at both services. After two Nativity services, our tireless sisterhood invited all of the faithful to a bountiful festal luncheon, where everyone had an opportunity to rest and be refreshed, and to interact with one another.
On Sunday, January 11, upon completion of the later Slavonic Liturgy, which was led by His Eminence, Metropolitan Jonah, and at which the Nativity Epistle of the Primate of ROCOR, Metropolitan Hilarion, was read aloud, the annual children’s Yolka was performed. Many representatives from our younger generations shared their remarkable and God-given talents.

In November 2014, our parish entered into wearisome negotiations aimed at purchasing the house located immediately behind the cathedral’s altar. On the very day of the Nativity, the purchase was completed, and we received the keys to the new house!
Obtaining the house gives us an opportunity to increase our parish activities. We intend to construct classrooms for the Sunday school, as well as rooms for our small children, where they can spend time during the lengthy services or in cold weather, gathering under the watchful eye of an adult guardian. In a word, our plans and opportunities are manifold.
On Friday, January 23, our parish school’s upperclassmen will be arranging the first annual St. Tatiana’s Ball. The event will take place in the “Golden Hall” Ballroom of the Russian Embassy, provided thanks to the kind patronage of the Russian Federation Ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, and his wife Natalia. All profits will go to benefit the benevolent fund of St. John the Baptist Cathedral. Tickets can be purchased here.
You are invited to attend as well, dear readers!
Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese
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