Parish articles archive

21 Jul 2017

We hardly think about the daily bread that we eat to keep up our strength. But the hungry man thinks about bread constantly; he seeks it everywhere. A man fainting from thirst feels himself ready to trade anything for a cold glass of water, to pay any price. As he seeks bread and water here and...

14 Jul 2017

Meekness is necessary in a spiritual person; the power of meekness erases anger, malice, enmity, and condemnation from the heart and adorns the soul with a gentleness.

Christ Himself was meek. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, said Christ. Take...

07 Jul 2017

In this commandment, Lord Jesus Christ speaks about the contrition and sorrow that come from knowing one's separation and remoteness from God. Christ lists this spiritual mourning next after those poor in spirit, counting them blessed who tearfully sorrow over their...

29 Jun 2017

Usually the poor have nothing of their own and must ask others for help. The poor are not ashamed to admit that they get all their substance as gifts. The poor in spirit, like the ordinary poor, know they have nothing of their own in their souls, and that God gives them all...

23 Jun 2017


If ye love Me, keep My Commandments. John 14:15

[The term Commandments of Blessedness is a literal translation from the Old Church Slavonic words usually translated into English as...

16 Jun 2017

For the Sunday of the Saints of Russia
Archpriest Vsevolod Shpiller

Carefully reading the books of Holy Scripture, and especially the Apocalypse, and pondering of what the ancient monuments of all nations give evidence, of what world history and...

08 Jun 2017

Brethren, today and tomorrow the special, long liturgical period of year that began several months ago with the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, after which came Great Lent and then Holy Week, comes to an end. All this in fact served as preparation for the great...

02 Jun 2017

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit share one nature, one essence, one substance. That is why the Three Faces are the Trinity, one-in-substance. Humans also have one nature, one substance.

But while God is the Indivisible Trinity, divisions occur...

24 May 2017

During his earthly life, Christ the Savior loved to go off alone into the hills, where the heavens seemed closer, and where one could look out at wide panoramas of the earth. In the desert, when He was tempted by the devil and rejected all of his temptations, He stood atop a...

19 May 2017

Christ is Risen!

Perhaps today’s story of the healing of the blind man is especially important for us, for our generation. When the Savior walked near the blind man—who was known throughout Jerusalem—but did not ask him...



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