The Elder said: "The greatest disease of our times is the laity's vain disquieting notions. This disease can be cured only by Christ, with the help of spiritual calm. However, [for it to be cured] it is necessary that one repent and turn to Christ.
"Educated" Christians are not made worthy to see miracles. They reject everything that conflicts with their rigid logic. In ancient times, Christians were able to work miracles because they were humble. In that regard, the Elder would say, "Unfortunately, in our time, when spheres of knowledge have greatly multiplied, logic has shaken the very foundations of people's faith, and has filled their hearts with questions and doubts. As a consequence, they have been deprived of miracles, for a miracle is something experienced personally, not something than can be logically explained.
Worldly people are interested in the external life, and do not even suspect [the existence of] the internal life. The Elder used the following example to illustrate their manner of thinking: "Worldly people do not want there to be garbage and filth in their yards, and therefore they sweep and tidy up their yards until everything is spotless. They take the garbage they have collected into the house, so that it cannot be seen from the yard. That's how worldly people behave: the garbage can be left inside, but not outside, because if it is outside, others can see it. In contrast to that, spiritual people clean out the house and throw out the garbage, without a care for what others will say."
…In the same measure that people give themselves over to luxury and distance themselves from simple, natural life, they multiply their fears about tomorrow. In the same measure that worldly politeness develops, simplicity, joy, and the natural human smile are lost.
A sign of a clergyman's spirituality is that he is quite strict with himself, and tolerant toward others. As a rule, he does not use the canons of the Church against others!
In the same measure that one unites himself to Christ, he loses his fear.